About Us
Titiro matatau ki te rangi
Steadfast towards excellence
Te Pā ō TIPENE – Community
The TIPENE community will insist on a culture of inclusion for all students and whanau. Furthermore, we seek to develop tauira who are empowered to give back to others and contribute positively to society, with the wellbeing of all in mind. The values of service and empathy for others will be key elements of our graduate profile.
TIPENE will evolve a cultural framework underpinned by a broad, dynamic and responsive education model designed for boys (Māori). The goal is that graduating students will be culturally connected individuals driven by excellence, with a commitment to contribute to their communities. This will be achieved by establishing:
- Leadership: whakamana young Māori men and their place within whānau, community and country.
- Connection & competence: in tikanga / reo so that they are able to contribute to social development for their people. Furthermore, instilling a commitment to iwi/hapu through service and contribution.
- Preparedness: tertiary / vocational careers of choice through the attainment of the necessary prerequisites.
- Confidence: to stand tall with dignity and humility as a citizen of Aotearoa